Saturday, August 18, 2007

Merrymeeting Lake

We returned home yesterday from a great week at Merrymeeting Lake in NH. We were there with a great group of friends. It was nice to have the time together before I go back to work. Alexander was a great sport considering he was out of his element and that there was construction happening right outside our window!

Alexander with Tante Hilde

The daily construction

The gang relaxing on the beach

Alexander getting some play time

Thanks Mormor for my new jammies!

Beachside bottle with Daddy

Alexander having some outside playtime


Amy and Andrew said...

What a smile on that boy! Glad NH was good to you! :)

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness, I just loved seeing "my" little boy again! How I loved cuddling with him! Both he and both of you were such troopers during the week...are your ears still ringing? What a treat for all of us to share this time with you, we loved it and will cherish the memories! Love you all, tante Hilde

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness, how adorable is that jammie picture!!! I might have to post that somewhere here. Looks like vacation was great despite some "noise". Can't wait to see him again!