Thursday, July 31, 2008

Natural Instincts

This past weekend while Alexander and I enjoyed six busy days at the stuga I finished the next book on my list, Green Babies, Sage Moms. In the past year we have been taking steps to be a more "environmentally friendly" family. We walk to places whenever possible, bring our reusable bags to the store, use CFL light bulbs, etc. While these have all been important (and rather easy) changes to make I did not feel that I was doing enough. Then I saw the book at the library and it caught my attention. It touched on a lot of different issues, some that I was already aware of and others that I knew little about. At times I was ready to get rid of all our furniture and mattresses and buy everything in toxin-free sustainable materials. What I came to realize is that all the life-style changes that we had previously made were good for the Earth and thereby good for us. This book made me aware of changes that I can make that are good for us and thereby good for the Earth. At the end of each chapter the author gave suggestions in various "shades" of green. She talked about little changes that you could make, such as washing your clothes in fragrance-free detergent, to "evergreen" changes you could make, such as washing your clothes in baking soda and cold water only. After completing the book and reflecting on our daily lives I have decided to set three green goals.

1) Use paraben - free lotions and skin products from now on.
2) Avoid bringing any synthetic fragrances into our home, through cleaners, candles, perfumes, etc.
3) Reduce our dependence on plastics for toys and food storage and avoid plastic numbers 3, 6 and 7 altogether (which sadly includes my Nalgene bottles).

It is my hope that by making these small changes I am providing a cleaner, safer and ultimately healthier home for all of us. How about you? Do any of you have any advice or green goals of your own?


Amy and Andrew said...

Great goals! Change is so much more attainable when you can take it one step at a time. We're getting rid of our truck, if that counts for something!

Karen said...

I have tried hard to go green myself, just alittle bit at a time. Reusable bags at the grocery store, has been my start. BPA free plastics is another. So sadly I am with you on the getting rid of my Camelbak and Nalgene bottles. Although I read Camel bak is making BPA free ones now...have to check that out.
I think alittle bit at a time, will help us all! Sounds like you are busy trying to go green! Thank you for opening my eyes alittle bit wider!

Unknown said...

Hey Sarah- fyi kiss my face makes a paraben-free sunblock.

Anonymous said...

In looking for alternative, but reusable water bottle choices, we have come upon a variety of brands, such as sigg and clean canteen (not sure of that spelling). We have also found the bottles Karen referred to - Nalgene that are BPA free. I think they are available through LLBean and other sporting goods places. We are trying here too. I think every little bit increases our awareness and our capababilities to do even more. I'll be on the look-out for the book you referred to!

Anonymous said...

Okay... So, today I bought my first reusable grocery bag. But what about all those plastic bags we use for our fruits and veggies at the grocery store? Thanks for your part in making me so much more aware.

Sarah Daigle said...

I am so proud of you Mama G! What I do with those plastic bags is either skip using them or if I need to take one I put it inside my reusable bag and then reuse it the next time I go to the store.