Sunday, August 3, 2008

House Projects

As with many things around the house, one small job can quickly turn into a big project. These past few weeks I have been working to take care of a few projects that have "stalled", mostly due to lack of time. Both projects were things that helped to personalize our home and reflect our decorative style. In addition to being able to cross them off the to-do list it has helped with the slow process of making our home our own.

At the top of our stairs we had a step stool that was being used as a display shelf. In our recent crawler-proofing of the house it had to go which left that wall looking very blank. I found some great frames and created the new wall display.



We then noticed that the rug in our entranceway was damaged so, a new rug inspired a new cabinet color, which inspired new mirror, which inspired new decorations.... Unfortunately the before pictures were deleted from the camera before they were loaded to the computer so you just get to see the after shots and have to trust me that it is an improvement. You can only see a small corner of the new rug but it has small blue flowers on it that are the same blue as the cabinet. There is now a new greeting above the door frame into the house as well.


Amy and Andrew said...

Looks great! Love the cabinet and the color!

Kari said...

I agree! It looks awesome.. I love the photo display.. I am planning a similar display for my apartment this year. Thank you for some more inspiration! So good to see you all at church Sunday! Love you!

Anonymous said...

Wow, looks terrific! I love that cabinet, did you have it before? Keep up the great work, it certainly reflects your fine taste!

Anonymous said...

oops the anonymous is me

Karen said...

Wow, you've been busy! I love the cabinet too. Did you have it there before, but it was a different color? It really looks great!

PS Happy Belated!