Sunday, November 25, 2007

Morning Game

Most mornings if Alexander wakes up before 5:30 I settle him back to sleep and bring him into bed with me so I can get a few more minutes of rest as well. Last week however when I got up to get ready for work he was still sleeping so I left him in our bed, another fairly common occurrence. I finished getting dressed and ready but he was still sleeping! I decided to go downstairs and make my breakfast and his bottle which is how our morning routine continues. As I am standing at the sink I hear this high-pitched squeal followed by deep laugh coming from our room. I go upstairs to find the culprit, Alexander who has pulled the covers over his head and is playing peek-a-boo (his new favorite game) all by himself. I couldn't help but grab the camera and snap a few pictures of this precious morning game.

The Lord Bless You and Keep You

Last weekend was Alexander's baptism. It was such a special day to celebrate and honor this new life that God has given us. We are so thankful for the friends and family that were able to join us, both at the ceremony and from afar. It truly is a testimony to the fact that we could not do this by ourselves. His godparents are Eric's brother Gordon and his wife Karen who are expecting their second child in three weeks!

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Spreading the News

Earlier this week I finished packing away the paper scraps and photo's from Alexander's birth announcement. It seemed to be the never ending project in our house. I took these photo's in the beginning of August as I was trying to have the announcement done before I returned to work. Then our printer broke so I was unable to get the test sheets for the printing company, then the envelopes were back ordered and when they did arrive they were given to someone else so I had to wait another week for them to be re-ordered. It just seemed to be one delay after another. My best intentions of having them done by the end of August turned to having them done by the end of October.
I don't know why but I just really wanted to make them myself. Many times people told me to just order new ones and be done but I had committed to doing them myself. I remember when my mom showed me the birth announcement that they sent out when I was born. I remember thinking it was so nice that they took the time to labor over something for me. As the third child many of my things were not new, hand-me-down clothes, playing with my sister's toys (I still have her BB!) but the birth announcement was made just for me. I wanted Alexander to have the same thing.
So as I pack up and finish this project I can't help but think about the process that it was and how it just didn't seem to work according to my timeline. It seemed to make the announcement even more special considering the process that we went through to become parents, something else that just didn't seem to be what we expected. God is constantly reminding me that I need to trust in Him and follow his plan for my life and all good and perfect gifts will come from above.
Enjoy the pictures from the birth announcement photo shoot from August 5th! The last one was the winner.

Monday, November 5, 2007

Halloween '07

Here are a few shots from Alexander's first Halloween. We were at home passing out candy for a little while, only 3 customers! Then we went over to see cousin Piglet (Charlotte) and on to Mormor and Grandpa Bob's where we surprised Uncle Greg and Daniel at the door. Grandpa Bob was then very happy to have two of his grandsons there!