Saturday, March 2, 2013

Pin me down!

I finally did it, I joined Pinterest.  I have been holding out because everyone talks about how it sucks you in and you spend so much time on it or in some cases, makes you feel bad about all the great ideas you never had.  It was partially because of the dining room re-do (which will get an updated post soon) and partially because I am trying to do more things myself since I am not teaching.  We are celebrating my SIL Karen's birthday this weekend and I said I would bring a dessert.  I started looking on Pinterest for some inspiration when low and behold I stumbled upon Karen's page.  Sure enough, she had a board for desserts so I thought I should make something from there since it is her party!  I went with the "brookies" and chocolate dipped peanut butter pretzels and both came out great.  The brookies were made even easier by the fact that Nestle now makes pre-made dough in mini cookie sizes that fit right into my mini-muffin pan.  

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