Saturday, September 22, 2007

September at the Stuga

September can be one of the best times to go to the Stuga. It is warm during the day so you can be outside playing or enjoying the beach. Then it cools off at night so you have to bundle up and everyone gathers in the living room around the fire. We enjoyed bringing Alexander down to the Stuga last weekend to share this exciting time of year with him. It was also Erika's birthday as well as a special visit with my Aunt Inness and Uncle Terry so the cousins came over for dinner.


Anonymous said...

I love the picture of you kissing him Sarah and Alexander just laughing....too cute...hope to see the 3 of you at church soon, hint, hint! :) He's getting to be such a big boy! Lots of love

Amy and Andrew said...

Yes, fall is the best. Perfect weather. Looks like you all had a wonderful time with family! I love Alexander's smile! :)

Liz Meagher said...

Oh my goodness! He is so cute! We are going to be in the Heartbeat the weekend of the 12th if you guys are around.

Anonymous said...

i held a baby in the community this weekend who was born on May 21, and it made me miss alexander, and now these pictures.... i'm feeling painfully nostalgic! keep the pics coming, my apartment needs less empty walls and more alexander. love you.