Yesterday we had a tough decision to make. Our dog Riley slipped in the kitchen Sunday night and was unable to get back up on his own. We helped make him comfortable for the night and Eric took him to the vet first thing Monday morning. After some tests and x-rays it showed that he dislocated his back hip and that he had the beginning signs of arthritis. The procedure to fix his hip would be simple but with his weakening bones it would most likely happen again soon. With Eric standing by we sent him into a peaceful sleep. You never want to see a loved one suffer, but none the less, it is still a difficult decision to say goodbye. He had 12 plus good years with us and we knew the time was getting closer but it all seemed to happen so fast.
Riley was a Daigle before I was. He was part of the reason why we decided on our condo. in Glastonbury, there was a walking path for him right out the back door. He was so gentle and kind with the kids. He was my companion and protector all those nights when Eric was traveling. He was my first dog. He will be missed.