Saturday, June 14, 2008

Big A's Big Day

So I realize this event was almost a month ago, but as I said in my previous post, I have been delayed with my blogging these days. I still thought I would share a few highlights from Alexanders buggn' out first birthday party which was held on May 17th. Look closely at David's forehead in the last shot and you just might see the effects of a tough game of baseball.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Photo of the Week

So I realize that I have been VERY bad in blogging lately and that people check here just to see pictures of Alexander so I decided to try just having a picture of the week. That way if I don't get around to posting everything for a full event there will at least be something to hold you desperate fans over. Maybe I will sneak in a few things about what Eric and I have been doing as school is about to end for me and Eric will be back to working in the same state that we live (or so Omni says) so we might actually do something exciting.

In the meantime, here is the picture of the week...